As previously mentioned, for some unknown reason, I still get hits to the site after all this time, so might as well keep it alive. This one was just a quick one across the border to see the whales, been putting that trip off for 7 years!
Found myself with a short transition period between jobs, so I immediately headed south hoping I would change my mind about the new job and just keep going. As usual this unplanned change in jobs left me unprepared, I took off knowing I had a set of bald-ish tires, a debit card that was shut down once I was south of the border, a window without health insurance while bouncing around solo south of the border, and no real plan aside from trying to catch the grey whales before they headed north in a week or so.
This time I crossed at Tecate and then south to Ensenada before cutting across to the Sea of Cortez and San Felipe. As I suspected it was not my kind of place, but I see the alure it may have for others. In the future I will most likely go this way to avoid traffic, and it is a more scenic way south, plus something I hadn’t done, who doesn’t like new routes? I grabbed some cash in Ensenada, but it was here that I realized my card may be shut down. I knew I had enough for gas to continue to Guerrero Negro and the whales, and then return to the US, but any unforseen issues like a break down or broken arm would be a tough one to handle. I had a tent if my credit card was shut down, though even hotels were cash only at times.
Guerrero Negro exists purely for the salt mine, and the whales. There is nothing going on, a few restaurants, hotels, and shops, gas and a bank, but that is it. I grabbed a hotel that would take my card, rode down to the bank only to be declined again, stopped in at a tour shop to add my name to a list, and then waited for tomorrow since nothing was happening today.
Tomorrow came, so I headed over to the tour place at 7:30am. I left all my crap in their office which was nice, as I hadn’t asked the day before, but didnt want a hotel again as I planned to bounce immediately after hunting whales. We left at 8, took a 30 minute ride across the salt mine area while we got a tour explanation of everything salt related rather than the whales we were going to see….oh yes, I am back in Mexico. Then a quick 10-15 minute boat ride brought us to this:
We returned around 12:30, so I loaded the bike and headed for a quick trip south wanting to hit San Ignacio for the whales tomorrow. As I got to the Y leaving Guerrero Negro I pulled a typical move and turned her north, the whales were awesome, after a 7 year wait they did not dissapoint, so I decided to go back and play it safe, no cash, no health insurance, etc. I rode up to El Rosario, spent the night there, and then back north to the US, quick trip down, cannot believe I have never been in March, what a great time of year to visit Baja.
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Just recently (January) went to San Felipe and got engaged and rented a beach house – yes it was super cool. Stood right in front of that very sign you took as well. Great whale photos – sheesh!!!!