The longest route to Vietnam

With plans to head to Malaysia next, but finding myself bored in Singapore, I called an audible and went for what was sure to deliver the crazy, and decided to instead go to Vietnam.  For Vietnam I had to get my visa before arriving, which we will get to next post.  I obtained a 3 month multi-entry visa since my plans always change, for once I did the smart thing, kind of.  No, your eyes are not misleading you, that statue does in fact say “Mexico”. Continue reading

Theres blood in the streets of San Luis Potosi

Mexico: San Luis Potosi, Lago Luna Media, and Aquismon

There is a general “travelers path” taken through Mexico, which I have tried to avoid for a bit this time. I am still hitting spots others have been to, I am not discovering anything “new” necessarily, but generally people take the west coast area down and then swing through Guadalajara, Guanajuato, Mx City, ect. Pretty much what we did last time. From Zacatecas I can jump back into that path and try and find some gringoes from North America or Europe by heading south….nah, not yet. Continue reading

The Devils Backbone

Mexico: Mazatlan, Durango, and Zacatecas

According to FBI crime statistics, 4.8 Americans per 100,000 were murdered in the US in 2010. The US State Department reports that 120 Americans of the 5.7 million who visited Mexico last year were murdered, which is a rate of 2.1 of 100,000 visitors murdered in Mexico. Lets say that again.

4.8 Americans per 100,000 murdered in US
2.1 Americans per 100,000 murdered in Mexico

I am safer in Mexico than my own country, ok maybe that is not entirely true, but interesting stats nonetheless.  If your afraid of visiting Mexico, you should be afraid of getting out of your own bed, its a dangerous world out there. Continue reading

La Paz to Topolobampo: Getting My Sea Legs

After a wonderful night of sleep and a hearty oatmeal breakfast cooked on the beach, Kiel and I headed to the port at around 9:30 am to start the process of buying our ferry tickets and figuring out the process of loading the Astro.  Neither of us knew what to expect, so we figured five hours would be sufficient to get things in order, run into town for a few things and get back in time to catch the 3:00 pm ferry.  It is a good thing we left as early as we did, as there were some surprises along the way. Continue reading

Thank You Ray Kroc…and Whoever Invented Spring Break

As you probably could guess from Kiel’s last post, we did finally meet up, although, I’m not sure we’re any safer.  Anyway, I was able to get an email from Kiel asking to meet up at McDonald’s (the only landmark we would both surely know), which was basically right across the street from the hotel where I was unceremoniously dropped off the night before. Oddly, he sent the email from McDonald’s, where there is free Wi-Fi, not knowing I was two minutes away. Continue reading

Oh Cabo, My Cabo

Odd, I was just here a few months ago. Back again though, and not a moment too soon. After breaking my lease, selling my car (thanks Timm!), tossing/donating a ton of crap I didn’t need and selling my broken down couch to a Guatemalan in a beat up old pickup truck, I’ve become a free man unencumbered by most of life’s trappings. Continue reading